I want to join AVVA.  What do I need to do?
  Answer: We welcome you! It is very simple.  Go to our FORMS page and find the membership forms.  Fill out the membership application, send a check or use your credit card, and send the application to the address indicated on the form! Membership Form. You can also vist our "Join AVVA" web page to find out more.



How do I change my name or address on the AVVA Rosters, and for the AVVA records?
  Answer: Any change of name or contact information should be reported to the AVVA Membership Department as soon as possible.  This includes names, addresses, emails, phone, etc.  Simply go to our FORMS page to download and fill out a Change of Information Form.  Then send it to the address or email noted on the form.  Forms/Membership



How do I transfer my membership from one chapter to another chapter?
  Answer: Transfers from one chapter to another, whether in the same state or from one state to another require filling out the Member Transfer Form.  Go to our FORMS page to download the Member Transfer form, fill it out and send it to the address or email listed on the form.  Forms/Membership



How do I transfer my membership from a chapter to at-large or at-large to a chapter?
  Answer: Transfers from chapters to at-large or at-large to a chapter is the same process as above, whether in the same state or from one state to another, require filling out the Member Transfer Form.  Go to our FORMS page to download the Member Transfer form, fill it out and send it to the address or email listed on the form.  Forms/Membership



I joined as a life member on the time-payment program.  Why did I get a temporary membership card rather than the permanent Life Member Card?
  Answer: When you sign up as an ALT, or Life Member time payment program, you will receive a temporary membership card, until your last payment in received.  At that time, a Regular Life Member card will be sent to you.



Why is my life membership card taking so long to get to me?
  Answer: It can take as long as six weeks to get your life member card.  Our system includes several steps:  Your application gets received at the bank/bational office; the staff must enter your data and send a list to the company that prints our cards; once a month the company prints up the individual cards and sends them as a group back to our national office; the national office puts together your welcome packet, including your new membership card and sends them out.  If after about six weeks you have not seen your new card, please contact the National Membership Chair to inquire.



I understand that as a permanently hospitalized Veteran I am eligible for special membership in AVVA.  What do I need to do?
  Answer: Thank you for your service!  Please go to our FORMS page under memberhsip forms to find the Permanently Hospitalized Veteran Application Form.  Your membership is free.  Simply send a copy of your DD-214 with the application, and you are in our family!  Forms/Membership .



How can I find an AVVA chapter in my area?
  Answer: We have a listing of all of our chapters, sorted by State and then by Zip Code. You can go to the list for the state you are inquiring about, and then search by Zip Code for the towns or cities you are interested in.  This way you can find chapters in an area near your zip code.  Please use this link: Find a Chapter, to access the web page containing this information.



I would like to have a roster (list) of our members.  Who do I contact?
  Answer: Rosters are provided only to national officers, AVVA chapter presidents and representatives, state presidents and representatives, certain POCs, and regional directors.  All roster distributions must be approved by the National Membership Chair. If you meet the criteria, your request must include your state, your chapter, and your full name and title. Click here to get the Web/Email Roster Access Form   which you will fill out and send to the National Membership Chair for processing.  Further questions can be answered by the chair as well.