Incorporating an AVVA Subsidiary

The AVVA Policy and Procedure Manual contains a section explaining everything you need to know about the incorporation of AVVA states and chapters. It is in our best interest as an organization, and in your best interest as state and chapter groups, to consider this step.

THE FIRST THING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS: Incorporating your chapter or state will give you the ability to solicit donations, and to raise your own funds.  AVVA is a 501(C)3, which means your donors will be able to claim donations as a deduction on their taxes.

THE SECOND THING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS: Incorporating your group will give you control over your own events and your own funds, even though you are certainly still welcome to work side-by-side with your VVA chapter on their activities, if that is what you have been doing, and wish to continue and to enhance.

THE THIRD THING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS: You will gain the respect and recognition of other businesses in your community.  States only need a total of 50 regular members within the state to incorporate, and chapters only need 10 regular members to incorporate.

AND THE LAST THING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS:  Incorporating allows you to be a recipient of assets from your VVA chapter, should they decide to choose to leave you any support when they finally close their doors.  If you are not an incorporated 501 (c)3 they cannot leave you any assets even if they wish to. This is a biggie!


Incorporation of states and chapters in AVVA is NOT the same process as it is in VVA. Please refer to the AVVA policy, Section 2 to find out details. We welcome questions from VVA members as well, and anyone with questions may contact the National Incorporation Chair: Bobbie Morris for information and answers.

NOTE:  The answer to the question "Can't we be a 501(C)19?"  is a resounding "NO".  The simple reason is that to be a 501(C)19, approximately 80% of the members must be Veterans. There are no exceptions to this. We cannot work together unless we can all belong to the same organization.

THE FIRST STEP in incorporation, for either states or chapters, is to request the Petition Package, filling out the appropriate form: Request to Incorporate a Chapter, Request to Incorporate a State, or Request to Incorporate an Independent Chapter, and send it to the Incorporation Chair at:  Or mail it to the address on the form. Please refer to the Policy and Procedure Manual, section 2 for details of the incorporation process.  The chair will process your request to incorporate and send you the Petition Packet, so that you can get started!

Complete the petition and send to the Incorporation Chair at the mailing address shown in the packet instrictions page.  If for any reason you are denied your request to incorporate, you can file an appeal with this form.