(Click on the first photo to start the slideshow.  These photos are set with an 8 second delay.  You can go through them more quickly if you wish, by using the forward-arrow in the right side of the photo's frame.)


1_And it begins!  Long lines at the Covid desk 3_Ready to go! 4_AVVA Registration 5 6_AVVA Getting Ready to Work 7_We start stuffing our convention bags 8_AVVA last meeting of the 2019-2021 Board 9_Final meeting 2 9A_The 2019-2021 Board of Directors 10_Nina helping a member 11_VVA Opening Ceremony - Flags Entering 16_National Anthem sung by Michelle Wilcox 18_The National Anthem was lead by some of the hotel administrators who happen to be Veterans! 19_Service Branch Flags - Army 21-Marine Corps 23_Navy 25_Air Force 27_Coast Gurd 29_VVA opening John Rowan, President 30_VVA opening Gumersindo Gomez gives invocation 31_VVA opening 33_Speaker representing the VVA State Presidents 34_AVVA President, Joanna Henshaw, opening speech 35_AVVA President 36_VVA Keynote speaker Lt. Gen Ronald Ray Blanck 37_VVA Veterans Mall 38_Veterans Mall 2 40_Now THIS is a cool ride!!! 41_Contributed by Bobbie Morris, R2 Director 41A_Keith Black, Chapter 962 President, PA 42_Our VVA Marshalls 42A_AVVA Luncheon 43_AVVA Parliamentarian, and a pastor, gives the Invocation at the AVVA Luncheon 46_AVVA Luncheon Photos 47_Mr. Olando McGruder and VA AVVA Member, Margaret Stern 50_Barbara Coan 55a_AVVA Keynote Speaker Retired LT Col. Clara Driscoll - Project Friendship Recipient Combat Female  Veterans Families United 56_PROJECT FRIENDSHIP GROUP with AVVA President 57_AVVA Annual Membership Meeting 60_Pat Furno and Orlando McGruder start the delegate training session 61_AVVA Convention day 1 65_ 66_Kyle Orlemann, CA, leads us in the national anthem 67_discussion begins on business 70_the AVVA Sea of Red!  We wear red on Friday's meeting to honor our military who currently serve. 72_Jennifer Ellis, soon to be the Region 8 Director 73_AVVA election day 74_Region 2 convention attendees 75_Swearing in the new Board 76_The 2021-2023 BOD.  See the web site, contact officers page, for names and titles 78_Katie O'Hare-Palmer, Chair of Women Veterans Committee, at the Women Veterans Breakfast 83_The AVVA Project Friendship Check for $16,596.00 is given to the representatives of CFVFUnited, our 2021 recipients! lightbox image gallery creator by VisualLightBox.com v6.0m



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