*IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION*AVVA Convention registration requires the use of the AVVA Convention Registration Form NOT THE VVA FORM!AVVA members must fill out the AVVA Convention Registration Form, and send it in on-time. IF YOU ARE A DELEGATE WHO INTENDS TO PARTICIPATE IN VOTING ON CONVENTION BUSINESS YOU MUST ALSO FILL OUT THE DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM! (See details below)If you do not use the AVVA forms, you will not be properly registered, and will not be able to participate. Please read the information on this page carefully. AVVA CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM 2025
BYLAW AMENDMENTSThe proposed amendments to the National Bylaws will be presented to the delegates of AVVA at the convention, to be voted up or down (pass or fail). If you have amendments that you wish to see considered they must be presented to the chair of the Bylaws Committee no later than April 1, 2025 in order to be discussed at convention. You can find the form for submitting changes to the bylaws on the forms page of this website. There is a WORD Doc version and a fillable PDF version available. ( www.avva.org/forms.html ) CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL OFFICE - REGISTRATIONThose persons who wish to run for a national office must send their Candidate Registration Form to the National Elections Committee Chair by the deadlines stated on the form. These forms must be received by the deadline in order to be considered. You must include a brief biography, including a photo, with your registration form. Please keep the biography to two typed pages or less, for the sake of publication. The offices for which you may run are:
All members should seriously consider running for national offices, so that we can continue to do the business of helping our veterans and their families, with fresh ideas and projects.SEE THE ELECTIONS PAGE OF THIS WEBSITE FOR CANDIDATE FORMS AND MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE NATIONAL ELECTIONS If you have any questions about the National Elections 2025 please contact the Elections Committee Chair, Nancy Montgomery via email. nmontgomery@cox.net
DELEGATES TO CONVENTION- REGISTRATIONThose persons who wish to register as a delegate to their chapter, state or at-large members must fill out the official Delegate Registration Form, and turn it in on or before June 30, 2025. This means, if you mail the form "snail mail", it should be mailed a few days before that date, in order to be received. The form can be saved, filled out, printed and signed, then scanned back into your device to be sent as an attachment in an email on or before June 30. These forms require signatures. If the form is not received by the deadline the delegate will not be registered and cannot be seated at convention. Find the Delegate Registration Form using this link: Delegate Form or by going to the general forms page of this website.
2021 AVVA NATIONAL CONVENTIONCONVENTION PHOTOS, 2021!Click HERE to go to the slide-show of the AVVA convention photos!
AWARDS INFORMATION:Go to the AWARDS webpage for the 2021 Award Information!
THE 2021 PROJECT FRIENDSHIP - HUGE SUCCESS!AVVA's 2021 Project Friendship resulted in a donation to the Combat Female Veterans Families United, of greensboro, NC in the amount of $16,596.00! To all of the VVA and AVVA chapters and states, as wel as individual donors for this success. And thanks to the AVVA 2019-2021 BOD for all of the promotion work.
AVVA 2019 National Convention, Spokane, WA